Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Arithmetic Mean and Control Groups free essay sample

1. What demographic variables were measured at least at the interval level of measurements? Marital status should be the interval level of measurement. The distance between being single and married is significant when it comes to fatigue and shared duties if the married couples are living together. 2. What statistics were used to describe the length of labor in this study? Were these appropriate? Both the experimental and control groups used means and standard deviations to describe the length of labor. Yes these statistics are appropriate. 3. What other statistic could have been used to describe the length of labor? Provide a rationale for your answer. We will write a custom essay sample on Arithmetic Mean and Control Groups or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mode could also have been used in this study and it would have provided an insight to the most common length of labor. Median would be more informative as it would provide the middle point for labor length. 4. Were the distributions of scores similar for the experimental and control groups for the length of labor? Provide a rationale for your answer. I do not believe so. The standard deviation for the experimental group was only slightly higher at 7. 78hrs than that of the control group’s 7. 2hrs, however the mean of the experimental group of 14. 63hrs is much higher than the control group’s 12. 70hrs. Having an average labor time of almost 2 hours more is significant. Having a similar SD suggests very similar outliers in each group with no radical deviation. 5. Were the experimental and control groups similar in their type of feeding? Provide a rationale for your answer. Yes. Bottle-feeding was the mode for the experimental (53. 1%) and the control (50%) groups since it was the most frequent type of feeding used by both groups 6. What was the marital status mode for the subjects in the experimental and control groups? Provide both the frequency and percentage for the marital status mode for both groups. â€Å"Married† is the highest mode for both groups in the study In the experimental group, the frequency 25 and 78. 1% In the control group, the frequency 31 and 86. 1% 7. Could a median be determined for the education data? If so, what would the median be for education for the experimental and the control groups? Provide a rationale for answer Yes. Education variables have a median equal to 11 for the experimental group and the median equal to 13 for Control group. The control group has more high school education than the experimental group 8. Can the findings from this study be generalized to Black women? Provide a rationale for your answer. The sample results are not reflective of black women due to predominantly White, 92% and 96. 55% in both the experimental and control groups. 9. If there were 32 subjects in the experimental group and 36 subjects in the control group, why is the income data only reported for 30 subjects in the experimental group and 34 subjects in the control group? Because the data is lacking accuracy due to missing variables. 10. Was the sample for this study adequately described? Provide a rationale for your answer. The sample of the study was not adequately described because the experimental group numbers do not add up to 32 and the control group do not have a total of 36 subjects. Also the percentages also do not add up to 100% due to missing data.

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