Monday, December 30, 2019

Cyborgs Are They Human Essay - 1996 Words

Cyborgs are a very common recurring motif within science fiction works such as books, movies, television, and so on. We see these cyborgs everywhere in this genre, but we only somewhat grasp the concept of humanity within cyborgs. A cyborg is an organism that consists of both artificial and natural components hence the full name â€Å"cybernetic organism.† For clarification, when I speak about cyborgs, I am referring to the organisms or beings that are artificially created rather than humans with cybernetic modifications. One key trait in cyborgs is their uncanny ability to replicate the thought processes and emotions of human being even though they aren’t human. My argument is that cyborgs, (more specifically the ones created artificially†¦show more content†¦From a Christian perspective, I believe our moral conscience is one way God speaks to us and keeps us from going astray. Cyborgs may appear to have a conscience too, but their conscience is a false o ne. It is more like a series of protocols that are followed rather than a true conscience, due to the nature of their construction. They appear to follow a strict set of commands laid out for them by whoever programmed the protocol, which makes the cyborg’s â€Å"conscience† not their own. This leads me to the most important distinction between humans and cyborgs, according to a Christian perspective: the soul. Humans are created by God in his image as described in the account of Creation in Genesis. This means that we are eternal, in some aspect, even after death. This eternal aspect I speak of is the soul which only can be freely given by God himself; man cannot imbue a soul onto their own creation, which is where cyborgs come in. Since cyborgs are created by man, who is unable to create ex nihilo (â€Å"out of nothing†) like God can. Man cannot imbue, let alone create souls. This is one fact we should keep in mind when exploring some popular movies where the central plot devices consist of cyborgs and their ability to resemble human behavior. The first movie I will mention is the movie Blade Runner starring Harrison Ford as the main character. In this movie, the Replicants (the given name of the cyborgs created by the fictionalShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Future of Cyborgs744 Words   |  3 PagesThe Future of Cyborgs Terminator and Bladerunner, portrayed cyborgs or cybernetic organisms as creatures of destruction. Are they really as horrible as the movies make them out to be? They can be more useful than perceived; it is necessary to first perfect the technology involved in creating and operating them. In this paper, I will describe how these cyborgs work and how they are portrayed in the movies. 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